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RAF Flag and RAF Bunting (Fabric 10 meter 20 flags) and hand flag


Balloonees brings you our own custom RAF Flag and Bunting products, printed by our dedicated manufacturers in thicker gsm polyester material than the mass produced ones available through auction sites, giving you better quality in the flag, and bigger bunting size and length than available for a similar price online. Celebrate Battle of Britain this september with our quality products.


Our custom made flag bunting of 10 meter length polyester flags. Each flag is 20x30cm in size, evenly spaced along the full ribbon length, with a couple of extra meters ribbon at each end for tying, and consists of approxiametly 20 flags. The fabric material has been edge heat sealed to avoid fraying when used outside for short periods, in windy conditions, it is colour fast, and fade resistant, and can be washed for cleaning.


Flag is the standard flag pole size of 5x3ft (150x90cm), with two weather resistant grommets on the left hand sleeve, and double edged stitched all around for strength in windier conditions. Made in 110gms polyester knit material, this is thicker than the mass produced 65-80gm grade available online or on auction sites, so a better quality all round for the price.



Advisable to not leave Bunting out in wind conditions for any duration if force 5 or more, as the wind shear can be severe enough to start shredding the edges of the bunting flags, particularly if brushing against trees, walls or any surface that speeds up wind damage abrasion.


We also produce the exclusive and limited edition RAF Memento coin, any collector would appreciate the detail in our coin presentation pack particularly for the 80th anniversary of the battle of Britain thois 2020 year. Have a look on this link to see if you want to place you order at the same time

RAF Flag and RAF Bunting (Fabric 10 meter 20 flags) and hand flag

Preisab 5,00£
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